Structural (E-P-C) Analysis
(the observable "whats" in society)

Facts. Makes a photographic description of the social situation. Bring out all the possible facts, data, trends both positive and negative, about the society you wish to understand.

Classification. Classify the facts according to the three major systems of society.

Economic system—for facts that have to do with the way a society organizes itself for material survival.

Political system – for facts that have to do with the way a society organizes itself for decision-making.

Cultural system – for facts that have to do with the values, dreams, and ideas of society; as well as such areas as education, mass media, family, health, religion, sports.

Summary. Make summary statements describing the situation under each system.

(the invisible "whys" of society)

Vertical and Horizontal Analysis. Analyze each system by pointing out the structural interrelationships of the systems among each other, of their structure and institutionalization.

Diachronic Analysis. Determine how each system relates to the whole social ensemble. This lets us see if one system relates to the rest as determinant and other as dominant.

Generalizations. Derive general conclusions from the analysis.


E-P-C Analytical Table

I. Vertical Analysis




List down all data referring to the factors of production

( i.e. land, labor and capital) and the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Point out the interrelations among the different elements within this system.

List down all data referring to the decision-making processes, patterns of organizations, and power groupings.

Point out the interrelations among the different elements within this system

List down all data referring to the way people relate to the social environment. Data must include the educational system, recreation, values, attitudes, and behavioral patterns on the local and national level.

Point out the interrelations among the different elements within this system.


II. Horizontal Analysis

Point out the interconnections among the three systems.

A. workshop: The E-P-C Model


  • What is the present economic, political, socio-cultural, ecclesial situation of your locality?
  • Trace the root elements responsible for the situation (root causes)
  • In whose interest do these elements operate?
  • What are the effects on the people/community/society?

Reporting & Synthesis

Planning for Community Involvement

Processing of Experience (Theological Reflection)

Suggested Process:

Read some scripture which suggest itself as relevant to the theme of the reflections; or pick some passages from some documents of the church’s social teachings: e.g. the Genesis story of creation; teachings of prophets; miracles of Jesus; Vatican II statements; etc.

From a prayerful reflection over the readings, ask questions about the situation:

  • What reinforces gospel values, social teaching etc.?
  • Has this immersion been a real dialogue of life?
  • What did the people share with me and what die I share with them?
  • What are some of my important realizations? What are the implications of this in my life as Christian?
  • What are "signs of the Kingdom" in this present situation?
  • What consequences does this situation have for building a community response?


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